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Tyisha Fleishman | $2000.00 | |
Georgianna Howe | $2000.00 | |
Rebecka Pingree | $1000.00 | |
Diego Block | $2000.00 | |
Tomi Byron | $2000.00 | |
Camellia Lupo | $2000.00 | |
Sharie Pepper | $2000.00 | |
Diego Antes | $1000.00 | |
Elroy Roberie | $2000.00 | |
Yuri Motsinger | $2000.00 |
Johnathon Mischke | $54.89 | |
Dion Ramage | $77.00 | |
Nancie Schroeder | $5.50 | |
Camellia Schewe | $755.50 | |
Elroy Volkman | $7444.92 | |
Becki Fetzer | $366.60 | |
Becki Lupo | $332.30 | |
Erasmo Menjivar | $265.50 | |
Erasmo Antes | $1000000.00 | |
Gaylene Block | $6.60 |
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